Club Records
Click on the following link to view the current Club Records (as at 30 June 2021).
Club Records are displayed on the Club Records Board at Casuarina Swimming Pool. We have now entered all these records into our Team Manager database so that after every SNTI endorsed swim meet we can find new records that were set by Casuarina Storm swimmers.
Please note, the new record holders will have their names put on the board after the season has finished. Swimmers will also receive certificates at the end of the season if they break a record. Records may be broken at any official long course carnival.
If you break a Club Record at any officially recognised swim meet interstate or overseas (other than those that are targeted meets for Casuarina swimmers), please send an email with all the details to the Management Committee within three months of breaking the record. Once approved at a Committee meeting, the time will be passed on to the Record Keeper.
If you notice any errors/omissions in the records, please email the Club Registrar. You may notice some changes have already been made to the updated records file, in particular dates and spelling of names. If you spot anything else that you feel needs correcting, please send an email to